Imagine a tool that educates across generations, identities, and experiences.

Imagine the Life of a Learner.

Brought to you by the people at

A Learner-Based Card Game.

Players of REVOLVE immerse themselves as learners to gain refreshing perspectives on how decisions about learning are made when a young person’s aspirations, experiences, and context are intentionally considered. 

By highlighting the valuable learning that happens everywhere, REVOLVE widens the field to create more wins for young people and raises questions about how to better design our systems of learning in new ways.

The purpose of REVOLVE is to learn how to better relate to and advocate for young people—to trust them, to see them, to hear their challenges—and to support them.

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The Revolve Experience

Builds empathy for what today’s young people are navigating.

Provides an asset-based lens when talking about young people’s challenges and context.

Shines a light on the knowledge and skills gained across a variety of contexts.

Gives a powerful opportunity for players to both decenter themselves by stepping into someone else’s shoes while also integrating their lived experience.

Illuminates the need for more expansive and equitable education systems.

Card Layout Example

Who Plays Revolve?

REVOLVE provides insight and perspective for anyone who wants to make positive change for young people.

  • Students
  • Teachers
  • School, District, State Education Staff
  • Out-Of-School Learning Providers
  • Policymakers
  • Business Leaders
  • Consultants
  • Funders
  • Ed tech
  • Parents
  • Nonprofits


REVOLVE can be played in many different settings, including:

  • Strategy sessions
  • Student advisory sessions/class activity
  • Professional development
  • Staff/board retreats/meetings
  • Education policy sessions
  • Onboarding
  • Community settings

Real Life Experiences

Revolve’s Origins

REVOLVE was originally created in 2016 by RESCHOOL, a non-profit focused on creating more expansive, equitable, and accessible education ecosystems. RESCHOOL works directly with families and community partners to co-design solutions to expand opportunity and alleviate system barriers.

REVOLVE was created to mimic the experiences of young people today who are negotiating decisions and navigating opportunities affecting their education and broader lives. Game play offers the opportunity to step outside of our current roles, gain new perspectives, and reflect on how to create more equitable, expansive systems of learning.

We think you’ll enjoy REVOLVE because it allows you to play a persona different from yourself while bringing yourself to the experience.

Learn More About RESCHOOL

REVOLVE was made possible in part by our supporters on Kickstarter.
